The 'Family Self Defense' Program
Imagine the scene. You're walking down the road on your way home. It's a dark night. Three guys coming towards you. They stop you and ask for your wallet. You say no!
And the next thing ... you're on the floor ... minus a tooth ... bleeding ... and minus your wallet of course ... And they've gone!
So what do you do? Or rather, what should you have done? And what should you have been able to do?
First of all, take a moment to read this article about the ‘Family Self Defense’ system.
The information contained could mean the difference between life and death, for you, or for any member of your family!
And what follows, if you take it up the program, means you will be able to defend yourself against any form of attack by a single person or multiple armed attackers that come at you from any direction, day or night ... and you'll never be worried about being accosted again … being injured ...or having your wallet stolen when aggressed.
The ‘Family Self Defense’ program demonstrates, and you will be able to develop an impassable shield that protects you and your family for life.
I’m 70 and not strong
Even if you have no physical strength or fighting experience, whether you're young or old, you will have the ability to overcome young, much stronger, much faster attackers, like the weak-willed spineless cowards they are!

Possibly like you, many people freeze when confronted with a dangerous situation that is threatening their safety and possibly their life. Forget martial arts, all the technicalities involved, and use this simple system of self defense. You will amaze yourself!
Who developed the ‘Family Self Defense’ program?
The program was originated by Frank Bell whom you've probably never heard of. With vast experience, he works 'behind the scenes', training bodyguards who care for and support superstar personalities and other famous people. Bodyguards, who can now operate so rapidly and meticulously, that those around those celebrities they are protecting don't even see that something so fierce and brutal has just occurred.
Frank Bell spent three years, testing and selecting over 1,800 actions, approaches, and plans of action. He came to realise that only three game plans will overcome and control a brutal confrontation when going about your business normally, either outside, or possibly even in your own home unfortunately.
When you’re assaulted
If attacked, you must keep your reaction simple, using the minimum of techniques in order to respond to any situation. If you have learned any martial art, you've probably trained for three or four hundred complicated retaliations when attacked. That's all very well, but being able to think of the right one to use in a given situation, and in a split second, is not what you should be doing. So Frank teaches something simple, and easy for anyone to use in any situation, in order to take down your attacker or attackers with ease.

Whether you're pumped up with adrenaline or asleep in bed, and thus bewildered. The most natural and simple techniques for self defense can be learned within an hour, because anybody, no matter what their size, how strong they are, or what their level of skill is, has the same exposed vulnerabilities. Forget what you see on TV or in movies, and the fights that continue seemingly for ever. What you need to know are the correct moves to end any confrontation in seconds. Not at all like the movies, when someone is punched in the face for five minutes without so much as a small cut, and certainly no blood anywhere!
You and I know that's what it's all about. You probably know instinctively where the most sensitive parts of the body are, and you will learn with the 'Family Self-Defense' method that nearly 100% of people don't even think of defending these particular parts of the body. And as everybody is built the same, no matter what their size, how fast they are, however tough they are, you will be able to be able to defend yourself and take them down in two seconds or less. Once you make the first strike, any confrontation will be pretty well finished. Even if you are attacked at close range, in the dark, by multiple attackers, you'll be able to overcome them, after learning the principal moves and strikes taken from all modern and ancient martial arts types. Frank has refined them and developed a system that, as if by magic, even if you are overweight or fragile, with no knowledge of martial arts whatsoever, you will be turned into a skilled combatant able to take out any proficient martial artist in a street fight.
How the ‘Family Self Defense’ method got started
Recalling an unfortunate and particularly nasty incident with his family, having been attacked in his own home while sleeping, he decided to put into effect the knowledge he had been working on for years, that has proved to be so popular with celebrities and film stars who need support.
Thus the 'Family Self-Defense' system came into being, which will enable you to be able to defend yourself and your family within a couple of hours, and even take down trained martial artists, criminals with weapons, and even vicious gangs.
So what do you get with the 'Family Self-Defense' system?
What do you learn?
You learn never to use your fist. Punching is a big mistake.
There's a much better way which is faster, with no risk to yourself, and Frank teaches the 'lazy man's training method' which he developed, and you can use sitting in front of the TV.
You'll learn how to develop your senses so you can see everything that's happening around you, which is vital when dealing with gangs. So you learn to have eyes in the back of your head.
You learn the secret of the human body's hinges and destructive mysteries that will even allow somebody riddled with arthritis and no strength in his hands, to break someone's arm with a tiny flick of the wrist.
The one technique that will ensure you will overcome and be the victor in every aggressive situation that arises, even against trained martial artists, and much more
Pros :
Reasonably priced and well worth the investment
Suitable for all ages and physical abilities
Easy to follow and understand
Will help greatly if you have a fear of fighting
Be wary about practicing on your friends because some of the techniques can generate crippling injuries
You will feel so much more self-assured in any confrontation
The program is written by someone with immense experience.
‘Family Self Defense’ solves an ever growing problem
Participants enjoy a 100% money back guarantee
Bear in mind that no defense system will provide you with 100% protection
Not every tactic may be beneficial in your particular case
Information that will not be set out in this article for reasons of secrecy.
Proceed with this course,
You will always be in control
Never afraid of being attacked
It will be bad luck for them if it is thought you're an easy touch.
When the aggression you see in the assailants eyes turns to amazement and panic his brain will shut off.
He'll have excruciating pain,
His body will collapse after taking only a small light hit in one of his vulnerable spots.
The arm that held a weapon has been yanked away and is now sticking out at a bizarre angle!
Tell me, what's it worth to you to have these powers that will be a guarantee the safety of your family?
Well it won't cost you $500 even. Although The course is worth at lease $500, but it won't cost even $300, or even $197, nor even $97. Not at all.
You can purchase this excellent 'Family Self Defense' method for as little as $37 for the entire program when you purchase today!
The 'Family Self Defense' program carries no risk whatsoever, because Frank Bell offers a 100% money back guarantee with no questions asked.
That offer is available to you when you purchase today and for the following eight weeks.
Just let Frank know within eight weeks and your money will be refunded in full.
Naturally, you won't have any more access to the program, and that special price of $37 will be offered to another person so they can take advantage of the 'Family Self Defense' system.
Before you go, and to be absolutely clear, the techniques you will learn, do not require strength, or speed, or any exceptional suppleness
The course has been edited to take only one hour and is full of the most preeminent instruction and available today
You can purchase for $37 entirely risk free, which is fully guaranteed
You will be given a personal email and responded to within 24 hours, if for any reason you are dissatisfied or displeased, every single dollar will be returned without any delay
If you're of a nervous disposition when it comes to any form of violence, don't worry, the video will teach you how to overcome this. There's also a bonus material which includes 'mental toughness training', as used by the US Navy Seals, enabling them to leap into action, no matter what the circumstances of the situation.
Circumstances may vary greatly, and for the most part, you have no idea what threat you are facing. That is why you should take precautions to ensure you have the knowledge and expertise at your disposition to safeguard yourself and your family against any possible threat. As you can see, the 'Family Self Defense' program is very affordable, and even if you can only take advantage of a few of the tactics, the small investment you have made will have proved to be eminently worth while.

The program is suitable for everyone; old or young, strong or weak, male or (especially) female. It will enable you to overcome any fear of violence, thus giving you the strength of will when it comes to taking down any opponent to the ground. You can even practice the various techniques with friends, but train and hone your skill slowly and gently, because the moves you learn can cause real damage.
You’re in a crowded car park putting purchases in your car. You are pushed in, followed by the assailant, and the door clicks shut behind him. What do you do?
Those around you can neither see or hear you above the noise other vehicles. What do you do?
You’re grabbed from behind while taking a morning jog. What do you do?
You’re walking home at night when a solitary man knocks you to the floor and attempts to steal your handbag. What do you do?
It goes without saying that the basic rule of self defense is;
Not to put yourself in danger
Avoid dark, isolated places
Be aware at all times
Get eyes in the 'back of your head'!
Go about your normal daily business with confidence
Trust your instinct
Having said that, nevertheless, on occasions, it is impossible to avoid difficult, and possibly violent situations.
And why Self Defense Is So Important For Women?
Global estimates by the World Health Organisation indicate that about 1 in 3 (35%) of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime. Most of this violence is intimate partner violence.
Every day, either on social media or on Television, you are hearing about women being victimized, both at home and outside. 62% of the 149 women killed by men in the UK in 2018 were killed by a current or former partner. Only 6% of murders were committed by a stranger.
Of those women not killed by current or former partners, 12 were killed by their sons or stepsons, while five were killed by a son-in-law or former son-in-law. There are so many stories of women that are available and you can hear about sexual violence or a random attack by strangers as well as being abused in some way. The world is changing, and becoming more unpredictable particularly for women. As such, self defense training is one of the most needed and a must for every woman’s to-do list. In the crime world, self defense training is suggested, so that the women can resist any kind of sexual assault as well as random attacks.