Get Instant lifetime Access to The 60-Minute Self-Defence Video Training Program. DAY ONE YOU WILL KNOW -
How to exploit the 3 things EVERY attacker FEARS.
Control the pillars of self-defence to defeat your attacker.
Learn ground fighting without even knowing how to grapple.
How to maximize your body’s natural weapons.
Incapacitate larger and stronger attackers instantly by shocking their central nervous system.
Plus, enjoy 3 special free bonuses if you act now.
The legendary close combat tactics you are about to discover were so ruthlessly effective for military commandos in World War Two, that the modern, politically correct, military, and law enforcement agencies were obliged to succumb to teaching more gentle techniques. These time tested combat hardening methods of self-defence date back over a century, in the violent streets of Shanghai, and were all lost forever, had it not been for a few secret society circles. This combat style is so simple and effective that it does not require weeks or months of training, because it's based on reactions and instincts, not on practical choreographed scenarios. In fact, it's so simple that anyone can learn it and use it tonight, regardless of your experience or physical stature. Yes. You can start using it today!!
Here's just some of what you are about to discover:
How to stop the attack before it starts by wiggling your attackers tail.
You're not going to be a mind reader, you're just going to be playing correctly.
You will learn that three things every attacker fears, and how to use this weakness against him.
You're going to get the tricks to ground fighting, without even knowing the first thing about grappling, or MMA.
You will learn how to maximize your natural weapons, including the hand yoke, a brutal technique, that can crush an attackers larynx like a beer can.
You're going to receive the 'Aware' course, which covers tactical driving for every day. You don't need to be a secret service agent or a body guard to drive like one.
The complete guide to everyday carry self-defence tools, and how to use them, from the non-lethal to the very lethal.
This even includes concealed body armour.
You will discover how to negotiate routes and parking lots, without becoming overwhelmed and overpowered.
You will learn some simple drills like counting hands, that will elevate your situational awareness. And give you the skill to read the room, and spot troubles before it starts.
You are going to discover all of this, any much more…
In the last 30 years, these methods have been taught to over 100 students in person, and tens of thousands online. And after years of testing and refining, the most effective self-defence training system has come into being, hands down, and it all starts with the 60-minute self-defence training pack. Once acquired, you are on the point of learning more practical self-defence tactics in the 60 minutes that follow than you would in weeks, months or even years with martial arts classes. With the unpredictable nature and unrest in today's society, the secrets you are about to discover, is the ultimate in being able to protect both yourself, and your loved ones.
The harsh reality is that much of what people are taught in many traditional styles of martial arts, is quite ineffective, the minute you walk out of the dojo, or the second someone puts a gun to your head. You will learn how to master the art of instinct, to have the confidence, and the will to act, regardless of the situation, because when you are truly in fight or flight mode, those flashy Katas and fancy moves you learned in martial arts are far too complicated for use under duress.
With 60-minutes self-defence:
You're going to learn when you can legally strike first.
How to strike, injure, or incapacitate an attacker in seconds.
How to create critical space to escape and evade an assault.
How to control the pillars of self-defence, momentum and balance.
How to survive multiple attackers. It doesn't matter if they are larger, stronger, or even armed.
You will have instant access to the complete 60-minute self-defence training package immediately. This means there is no need to go to any gyms, or sign in to any monthly contract, in the hope you will actually be taught something you can use right now, not six months time. Plus, you can go at your own pace. Remember, if you are not thrilled with your purchase in any way, you can request a full no questions asked refund at any time within 30 days of purchase. A special price offer is only available right now.
Of course, you are always welcome to visit the site, and purchase any of the course programs individually at the normal retail price at any time. This is the only time you'll be able to get the 60 Minute self-defence training pack, together with all the bonuses at this insanely low price. Imagine what it will feel like when you can walk into any room in the knowledge you can defend and protect yourself and your loved ones because you have the tools, not only to fight back, but to win! Just click the button, and purchase the 60-minute self-defence program. You won't regret it.
The 60-Minute Self-Defence™ Training Pack
The Training Pack Includes:
The 60-Minute Self-Defence Video Course.
The Power Circuit Program.
The 'Aware' Video Course.
You will discover:
How to STOP the Attack BEFORE it Starts
How to AVOID the Martial Arts Waiting Mistake
How to control a potentially DANGEROUS situation.
How to Avoid being MUGGED or SUCKER PUNCHED.
Tricks to making yourself a “TOUGH TARGET”.
A clear and correct plan of action when you’re attacked.
How to ESCAPE any grab or hold….EVEN ON THE GROUND
How to EXPLOIT the 3 things ALL criminals FEAR.
How to STOP an attack with JUST THE TIP of your fingers.
How to escape being pinned to the ground, even when you’re assailant is hundreds of pounds heavier!
The Self-defence Library.
How to use PEPPER SPRAY the right way, and much, MUCH more…
You can also add 'Eleven One Shot Fight Enders' to your order.
That is eleven 'One Shot Knock Outs'. We show you EXACTLY where, and HOW to STOP your attacker DEAD in his tracks with ONE SHOT.
All that, plus 24/7 professional expert support.
Hear what experts, the police, armed forces, and citizens are saying about the 60-Minute Self-Defence program...
"If you want to try something that will keep you alive, that is simple yet effective, I highly recommend 60-Minute Self-Defence." - John M. Landry, Detective
"As a single mom, I have to tell you that I use what I learned in the 60-Minute Self Defense EVERY DAY." - Jenna Noel
"I train operators for a living and when it comes to teaching self-defence, I start with 60-Minute Self-Defence." - James Moncherry