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“The Best Defense is a Great Offense.”

Writer: Mike AdamsMike Adams

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

Self defense is a lot easier than you think! Sadly the movie industry has made martial arts something of a joke when it comes to self defense. There are so many things being taught which quite honestly don't work. In real life you only have one chance, and it must be quick. High kicking is a myth. The shin area for kicking, the metatarsals (the bones at the front of the foot) for stamping, and the groin area should be your targets. Another myth is the use of the fists. They are not the weapons to use, and are easily injured, which is why boxers have their hands taped and use gloves.

Description of The Self Defense Company as being the most effective & lethal systems in the world
Self defense is a lot easier than you think!

The weapons to use are the heel of the hand, the karate chop which uses that fleshy part of the hand close to the wrist, etc., but definitely never the fist. The knuckles were not designed for punching and can be easily damaged. Definitely not the preferred weapon!

Self defense is 90% awareness and 10% physical response. Trust your gut feelings and watch the body language of those around you or who are coming towards you. If you become suspicious of anything or anybody, make sure you get out of the way. This is the first thing you will learn with the Self Defense Company program.

The Self Defense Company's ultimate, brutal, & scientific system
The ultimate, brutal, & scientific self defense system

The Self Defense Company provides practical and realistic personal protection solutions through live and online tactical training. Founded in 2007 by lifelong martial artist, coach, bodyguard and defensive tactics instructor Damian Ross with the motto “You don’t need a black belt”, The Self Defense Company provides its members essential self defense skills through the cornerstone program The Self Defense Training System (SDTS).

The Self Defense Company Training System (SDTS) is based on over a century of research and development of modern warfare conducted by the British and United States military and law enforcement beginning in China and Japan in the early 1900’s and reaching its peak during World War 2, Korea and Vietnam when close quarter combat was a part of warfare, espionage and civilian resistance.

The Self Defense Company and its instructors provide this elite training through on demand video course programs and live instruction you can see over and over again, both online and in person.

The most lethal self defense in the world by The Self Defense Company
The most lethal self defense in the world

The author and architect of the Self Defense Company boasts the following qualifications:

  • 4th Degree Black Belt Tekken Ryu Jujutsu

  • 2nd Degree Black Belt Judo under Yoshisada Yonezuka

  • 2nd Degree Black Belt Tae Kwon Do

  • Studied under Carl Cestari, named one of the 20 best street fighters by Black Belt Magazine

  • Varsity Wrestling Lehigh University

  • Twice National Runner Up Judo, Black Belt Masters

  • 3rd Place Bando Nationals Kick Boxing Black Belt Division

  • New Jersey Starts Champion Judo – Black Belt Division

  • Former Bounder and Bodyguard with NJ Conceal Carry Permit

  • Certified Coach and Trainer State of New Jersey

  • Varsity Wrestling Coach Ridgewood High School, Ridgewood, New Jersey

  • Ridgewood High School Hall of Fame Football and Wrestling

  • Bachelor of Arts, Lehigh University

  • Fire Fighter

  • Cancer Survivor

The Self Defense Company teaches US Navy Seal combat training
The Self Defense Company teaches US Navy Seals

Martial arts aren't designed to teach you self-defense as such. You learn a style of fighting, in the comfort of your own home, that's based on sport and ceremony which is tactically inefficient when it comes to self-defense.

For example, as a complete novice, if you were to start any form of martial arts today, lessons would possibly start with some postures and protocols, maybe sparring, most certainly some warm-up exercises, maybe an introduction to traditional weapons. Then you would be introduced to 'kata', which in Japanese means forms, or choreographed series of movements as a means of memorizing movements used in a variety of techniques.

You may be taught self defense counters which they call 'self defense'. What you learn has very little functional

street significance. Learning to deal with confrontations in this way may be effective in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, but in the street, a great deal will probably go wrong, and almost all of it can be easily averted, which goes to show that martial arts is not the best choice for protecting yourself and your loved ones. Click on Bob's picture on the left. He'll be able to help you a lot!

The statistics for violent, domestic and sexual crime reveal that self defense should instantly invite your instinct to take up the Self Defense Company program. Their self-defense program is as uncomplicated as ABC! It's obvious really, because it's something you should be able to perform when you fear for your own life or the lives of your loved ones. Self-defense is something you can master straight off, and put into effect within only a few hours. It doesn't take a year, a month, or even a week; and will provide you immediately with the common sense simple techniques to escape any form of violent attack.

The 60 minute self defense what everyone should know about self defense
Master the pillars of self defense to survive and win

The 60-minute self-defense program is where you should start. The program includes:

  • How to STOP the attack before it starts: During the SIZE UP and APPROACH.

  • Simplify Self Defense: Break every situation down to its common denominators.

  • Control the Assault: Master the pillars of self-defense to survive and win.

  • Exploit the 3 Things Every Attacker Fears: Use his weakness against him.

  • Ground Fight Without Grappling: No experience necessary.

  • ​Maximize Your Natural Weapons: No hand wraps, gloves or safety protection needed.

  • Certified instructor support is included 24/7.

  • The picture on the left is your sparring partner should you need one.

Pros :

  • All the videos show simple effective techniques you can practice at home as many times as are necessary.

  • All courses are inexpensive.

  • All of the sport and ceremony of the martial arts are eliminated.

  • A comprehensive, graduated system.

  • You can train at your own pace. You will develop the skills to protect and defend yourself and love ones regardless of your age, size, man, or woman.

  • Within only 25 hours, you can go from 'nothing' to 'lethal'.

Cons :

  • You need at least a punch bag.

  • If you can afford it, purchase a life-size torso dummy.

  • I would say training with a partner on occasions is also an essential.

You can progress to the Elite package to learn more advanced techniques, but in the first instance, you are advised to complete the 60 minute self defense program. You will discover more about authentic self-defense than most so called 'experts' will ever know.

Self defense isn’t a pastime or a rite - it's simple and uncomplicated using your hardwired primeval instinct for self-preservation. In other words, using the type of behavior that ensures your survival.

The 60 Minute Self Defense™ training pack provides you with uncomplicated strategies you can study and put into practice this very evening. Oh, and you'll get fit too!

The price? You can start with the 60-minute beginners' course, and if you hurry, currently at only $27.


The Self Defense Company program - Get It Now!
The Self Defense Company offers real value for money


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