A loyal canine companion can be an excellent companion as well as the first line of defense for you and your home. Is having a dog effective at deterring burglars? I discuss how a dog can assist in keeping you secure, but is not a perfect technique.

Dogs safeguard your home in a variety of ways, according to home security companies. The equation includes noise, physical impediments, and intimidation. Alert barking can deter a robber or alert neighbors to a problem, and if you are a member of a neighborhood watch, the barking dog will inspire neighbors to contact the police. While dogs cannot always prevent burglaries, as a relatively sure guarantee, you should supplement the dog with a good security system or alarm that summons human assistance. Dogs are an exceptional deterrent and may significantly slow down a burglary until assistance comes. Home security companies believe that simply putting a sign reading “Beware of the Dog” can prevent criminals, even if you do not own a dog.
Yes, dog barking does serve as a deterrent to robbers.
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Criminals that are astute employ hidden entry, quickness, and silence to complete their jobs fast. Burglars contacted in a questionnaire about rising crime rates show that a loud, barking dog is a dealbreaker. The combination of an arresting sound and the unpredictable behavior of a dog usually causes the burglar to flee. This is why some of the best watch dogs, those that notify their owners to potential danger, are those with a deep, resonant bark, even if the dog's physique is not particularly intimidating.

When a dog detects an intruder, it immediately begins barking.
The majority of burglars will prefer ground floor entry, especially if they are covered by bushes or trees. If you've improved your locks and reinforced the glass at these entrance points, a thief will have to kick the lock in or break the glass to gain entry. Dogs that have not been trained as guard dogs will typically begin barking in response to a crashing sound. Typically, instantly, and even more so if they see or smell that the source of the disturbance is not someone they recognize.
Burglars dislike drawing attention to themselves, which is why noise serves as a deterrent. Bear in mind that the three things thieves despise are being recognized, being hurt, and being apprehended! A dog poses a physical threat; but, an alarm indicates that police are on their way, and a burglar may take a few moments to grab whatever is in reach before fleeing! A barking dog on the move provides a more urgent reason for a burglar to abandon an attempted home burglary without first browsing around the property.

Certain breeds make superior security dogs.
The majority of dogs are passionately loyal to and protective of their pack, which includes you in their realm. Even dogs who appear to be mild-mannered will alert if the pack is threatened. Certain breeds, however, are more effective guards than others. Small, physically unimposing canines can dissuade a burglar with their bark, but they will not appear intimidating as they run around the corner. The best guard dogs are typically larger in stature and combine instinct, breeding, and training to develop an uncommon level of loyalty and defensiveness. Among these are German Shepherds, that are fearless, and were bred and trained to control and defend grazing sheep. They are highly protective and have strong barks that notify any trespasser of their approach. They are appropriate and employed by law enforcement, the armed forces, and security guards throughout the world.
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When a guard dog perceives an intruder as a threat, he or she may attempt to physically stop the invader.
Trained alert dogs, as they are referred to, will promptly bark to alert their owner to an emergency. True guard dogs are carefully trained, ideally using only positive reinforcement, to bark at intruders, and then physically halt and restrain the person if the criminal does not depart. Normally, this maneuver requires precise commands from the dog's owner, but certain dogs can be trained to halt and restrain an intruder until the dog releases its “victim” via another command from the owner.
Having a dog does not ensure burglary protection, and is best used in conjunction with a high-quality home security system.
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In fact, even the most determined and fierce dog cannot always prevent a burglary. Certain thieves may be unconcerned about the barking dog deterrence that others face. If the dog has not been properly taught, a burglar may be able to distract it with sweets or toys, or physically repel it. Along with taking steps to make your property unattractive to burglars from the start, the most effective technique of avoiding burglary is to pair your deterrent canine with a home security system. Thus, the dog can bark and possibly physically resist the invader, while the home security system, which is also a deterrent to criminals, can notify police enforcement that a break-in is taking place. Together, the strong response of the dog and the prompt assistance of police authorities give the finest safety for your house, family, and possessions.
If you are thinking of having a dog, particularly a German Shepherd, GET YOUR WONDERFUL DOG FROM THE RSPCA.