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So This Is Your First Fight!

Writer: Mike AdamsMike Adams

Updated: Nov 4, 2021

Running away is the best course of action in a fist fight. Fighting is a waste of time and a sign of weakness. The exact opposite is true when one flees.

Just use common sense, and try to stay out of each other's way. When reason fails, you may find yourself in a physical altercation with someone who is either inebriated or a bully intent on inflicting serious injury. You will have to defend yourself at some point in your life, whether you like it or not.

What are my options? The following information will not convert you into a seasoned cage fighter capable of taking down any MMA heavyweight in an alley brawl. You may be sure that if you need to master the fundamentals of any kind of conflict, a trained martial artist or fighter will obliterate your efforts. You'll be far better off understanding some fundamental moves, even if you're just an unskilled individual facing an intoxicated bully or someone trying to brush up on their skills in case something ugly happens.

To begin, my counsel is based only on my personal experiences and on the successful combat training I received while serving in the Marine Corps. The Royal Marines are the UK's Commando Force and the Royal Navy's own amphibious troops. They are an elite fighting force, optimized for worldwide rapid response, and are able to deal with a wide spectrum of threats and security challenges.

Rather, there are effective and inefficient moves, not correct or incorrect tactics.

The advice I'm offering is geared toward folks who are new to fighting and have no way out. Fight or flight is not an option for you. You'll have to stand your ground and come out on top.

Keep your wits about you, and keep cool.

This is where self-defense begins for everyone. You'll have a much harder time protecting yourself if you don't have these basic awareness and preparedness abilities.

Street fighters and crooks everywhere know the SECRET, which is to MOVE FIRST in order to gain the upper hand in a confrontation. 90% of people who train don't get it or don't want to learn it. I can tell by their concerns and comments that they don't get it or don't want to learn it because in order to SURVIVE AND WIN, you have to get up and move. You'll lose…EVERY TIME if you don't, and hesitate to act.

The following are my personal Ten Commandments:

  • Protect your personal space and keep a safe distance from any potential danger.

  • Taking action is always preferable to waiting for something to happen before taking any action at all.

  • Always keep your equilibrium under check – DESTROY the threat's equilibrium in the process.

  • STOP the threat's progress by increasing your own momentum.

  • Always be on the defensive. Always be on the lookout for potential threats and be there when they appear.

  • Start with strategies and technologies that put you in contact with the threat AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE.

  • Cause significantly more damage than you expect to receive.

  • When the danger has passed, you can resume your work.

  • To be effective in self-defense, you must adjust your mental and physical capabilities to match your situation.

  • If you find yourself in a fight on the street, my recommendation is to utilize knifehand strike! Nevertheless, there are many more "One Strike Fight Enders". COMBAT proven strikes that will STOP your attacker DEAD in his tracks. Take a look here.

Knife hand strikes are seen in nearly every martial discipline, and for good reason.

If you know nothing else, a knife hand strike is a “One Shot Fight Ender”. It's a fast, furious move with a lot of stopping force. Once the inebriated or ordinary bully draws his arm back to punch, use it instantly. The bottom line is: Strike first, and your chances of winning go up to nearly 100%.

Take my suggestion and follow a few simple measures of awareness before you have to start using your knife hand.

  • Avoid going to shady locations as much as possible. However, if you do go out, avoid being with inebriated or strange people. If you're going out to a club, leave before everyone leaves. You are not required to remain until the club or bar closes.

  • Never move, talk, or act in a way that suggests you're a victim waiting to happen.

  • Have some coins to throw on the floor as a distraction.

  • Keep a strong, confident demeanor at all times. Don't appear to be easy prey to predators. Don't be afraid to exude confidence.

  • Make an effort to discern the intentions of the individuals around you, and change your behavior accordingly.

  • Instead of focusing on the forest, look at the trees. Focus on what's twenty steps ahead rather than what's directly in front of your nose.

  • Make it a point to keep an eye out for subtle changes in someone's body language from afar. You'll be able to take control of your decisions and behaviors this way.

  • Be willing to let go of your sense of self-importance. Many times, I was on the verge of getting into a fight. However, I was able to get away with it because I made the other person believe they had won. Many confrontations begin verbally, so you can avoid using your fists by making the attacker believe they've won.

  • Don't be concerned with your ego. Breaking your ego is far preferable to breaking your jaw.

  • Assemble a strong support system around you. In many ways, the adage “you're the sum of your five closest friends” is accurate. You're more prone to get into conflicts if you're surrounded by irritable, insecure, and emotionally unstable people. Most domestic violence is committed by family members or spouses. As a result, ensure that your workplace is both safe and pleasurable for everyone who works there.

There are countless other examples…

It all comes down to being mindful and aware!

To win, avoid fights and don't try to be a “tough guy”! — To avoid fights is to be a “smartial artist”!



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