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Secrets To Avoid Being Mugged!

Writer: Mike AdamsMike Adams

In order to keep yourself secure, you must know the following information. Having said that, you will always be at risk, no matter how many safeguards you take. Don't be a mug! Do you know how to avoid being mugged? If not, be smart and read on...

There would be no need for police officers if there was no violence on our streets, and we don't want to put them out of work! At some time, a thief may have noticed you and your belongings. It can happen to anyone, and if you haven't been mugged, you're either really fortunate or extremely wise. You should start learning how to navigate the city as soon as possible. Make sure your house isn't an easy target for robbers while you're at it!

To improve your self-defense skills, enroll in online self-defense classes

For both men and women, they're extremely simple, effective, and very affordable. Your self-esteem will soar as a result, which will be a pleasant surprise. To avoid being a victim, you must have the strength and wisdom to defend yourself and your loved ones. In addition to that, it won't break the bank! 

Self-defense training can have a good impact on other aspects of your life, such as your career and personal relationships. Aside from the obvious benefits of having more energy to spend with your children, you'll also feel more secure in your professional life and be more willing to explore new options.

You can select from any of the following options:

Be Constantly Aware of Your Environment

Know what's going on around you and asking yourself if anything or anyone could endanger your health and safety is referred to as situational awareness.

Becoming acutely aware of your surroundings is critical for both military and law enforcement personnel, as it allows them to make smart decisions in life-threatening situations. However, in the real world, the majority of people don't keep a keen eye on their surroundings. People are either engrossed in music or their mobile devices, completely unaware of the events taking place around them. When it comes to emergency room trips, talking on the phone is responsible for 69 percent of them. Texting gets a lot of attention.

Put away your phone and pay attention to the world around you when you're out and about. Analyze each and every one to see whether there's a danger. Look at their expressions, gestures, and clothing to get a sense of who they are. Trust your instincts and go with your intuition. Preventing a confrontation by paying attention to your surroundings can offer you a few crucial seconds of time to take action or flee.

Do not portray yourself as a victim

Make a strong first impression with your body language. Avoid being prey by acting like a predator.

You can achieve this by following these instructions:

  • Keep your shoulders back and your chin high, rather than bowed.

  • Make eye contact with others.

  • Straighten your spine.

  • Keep your back straight.

  • Even if you're lost, keep moving forward with purpose. Avoid taking baby steps, as this will give the impression that you are hesitant.

  • Don't be afraid to appear confident in your plans. You should never stroll around with a map out in front of you.

  • Don't hide your hands in your pockets; keep them out in the open.

  • Whenever you're in a stationary position, occupy the space. Keep your feet a little further apart than usual.

As a result of these subtle gestures and movements, a potential assailant will likely move on to someone who appears more vulnerable.

Recognize that you are vulnerable and accept it.

It may come as a shock to learn that muggers prefer to target men over women when picking a victim. Female muggers are aware that women are more likely to scare off an attacker by creating noise, such as yelling, blowing a whistle, or activating an alarm system on their own. Detect these ominous clues concerning your vulnerability to theft.

It's preferable to avoid going out alone

Anyone walking alone is a prime target for pickpockets. Targets have always been chosen based on the fact that they are out in the open on their own. Before gender, age, or physical build, being alone takes precedence. Before anything else, in fact. One of the 18 secrets of pickpockets is that being in a crowd makes you more vulnerable to them, so keep that in mind.

Stay in the flow of the people

In order to steal your goods, pickpockets and scammers like to pick their victims from a crowd. This allows them to blend in with the other people without anyone noticing. When it comes to criminals, they don't want any witnesses, hence they choose dark nooks and lighted alleys.

Stay in crowded, well-lit locations and stroll with a group if you can, and if you want to be safe. Avoid dark streets and alleys by parking your automobile under a street light.

Avoid solitary locations

On occasion, it is necessary to walk alone. When doing so, it's best to do so in places that are both well-lit and have a fair amount of pedestrian traffic. Empty subway platforms, a favorite hangout for muggers, are particularly excluded. The section of the platform closest to the tunnel's entrance is particularly vulnerable to this. You're less likely to chase a mugger into a tunnel since it is dark and you are less likely to be pursued.

Always have a back-up plan in place in case something goes wrong

Hundreds of convicted thieves in New York and New Jersey state prisons were surveyed for this study. An empty train car is much more popular with muggers than an empty subway platform. Why? For the simple reason that if a would-be thief gets on at the next stop, you have no way to get off the train until the next one. Don't risk your safety by riding with only one other person in an empty subway car, and think hard before getting on one with just one other person if you have any concerns about that person. Listen to your gut instincts!

Before embarking on a trip, do your research

No wonder that criminals, scam artists, and pickpockets are drawn to tourist destinations. Tourists are easy to spot in a crowd; they're lost; they don't know how to get in touch with the police; and they don't speak the local language.

If you're thinking of taking a trip abroad, do your homework on the most prevalent scams and thefts in the country you'll be visiting. For further security, don't carry cash around with you while traveling by stowing it away in your front pocket or around your waist, where it's simpler to reach.

Be cautious when you're out and about

Turning corners, especially at night, can be dangerous, so keep an eye out. You're entering a street with no idea of the dangers that await you when you round a corner. In order to avoid getting too close to a building, you should instead remain near the curb. Attackers frequently lurk around corners in order to pounce on unsuspecting victims. Always keep a five-foot distance between yourself and the curb or the edge of a car when you're out for a walk. As a general rule, always walk in the direction of traffic. When you walk alongside the flow of traffic, you run the risk of being ambushed by someone who has just pulled up behind you in a car. And they'll sneak up on you completely unnoticed! Always see what's coming when driving with your back to the flow of traffic.

Avoid using ATMs at all costs

ATMs are a popular hiding place for thieves because they provide a simple and rapid way to obtain cash. At gunpoint, they've been known to demand significant sums of cash from unsuspecting victims before vanishing just as quickly. Since many people are preoccupied by their wallet or pocketbook or debit card when they're at the ATM, this is an easy holdup.

Avoid using ATMs at all costs, especially after hours. When possible, go into a bank during business hours to get whatever money you need. Avoid using ATMs that aren't well-known, such as those outside malls after hours or while you're alone at the ATM. Look around before you pull up to a drive-up ATM and lock your doors if you see anything unusual.

Thieves frequently inquire as to the current time of day

This does two things. The first step is to determine if you're a desirable prey item. Is your watch, for example, worth anything? If you're wearing a pricey timepiece, it's possible you're also carrying cash or other valuables. The other objective is to divert your focus away from the task at hand. As soon as you look at your watch, you take your eyes off the would-be attacker. To put it another way, the simple act of checking your time puts you at risk.

Keep strangers at a distance

If someone approaches you for the time or for money, just walk away and don't give them the time or the money. Don't slack off in your efforts. Avoiding getting robbed by doing so may not be the most polite thing to do. Be aware of the fact that if someone asks for directions, keep your distance when speaking with them.

Recognize that the evening is the ideal moment for villains.

The vast majority of robberies occur at night, between the hours of 6 p.m. and midnight, as long as it is dark. As a result, regions with a high concentration of nightlife are more likely to be targeted by muggers. However, if you keep yourself in the company of others, you will have a better chance of avoiding being targeted. It's also the most prevalent time of year for burglaries.

Keep your valuables at home

Wearing costly jewelry, a premium watch, or a high-end pocketbook will attract the attention of criminals. Doing so may make you a target, but it's worth it to have a taste for costly clothing and wear expensive stuff. If you're out alone and it's late, muggers love prey like well-dressed folks in fancy gear.

If your life depends on it, here are some more methods to protect yourself

Give in to their demands. Thieves are often want your money and goods. If you're the victim of a robbery, keep your head down and hand up your belongings without question. Your life isn't worth the money you have in your pocket.. Unless absolutely essential, avoid resorting to physical violence in a dispute. Toss some cash behind your assailant's feet. Upon seeing you, he'll turn around and offer you a chance to get away. Alternatively, give him a few bucks and declare, "That's all I have!" Then, get the hell out of  there.

Keep an anti-attack spray on your person at all times

Using pepper spray, mace, or dye spray as a deterrent against criminals is highly recommended. When an attacker's face is sprayed with the dye, authorities will be able to immediately identify them, and they'll have a red face for the following seven days.

However, if you bury your pepper spray canister in your purse or in the glove compartment of your car, it will be worthless. Whenever you walk, have the canister in your hand, so you're always prepared to utilize it. Because victims have been killed after being sprayed with their own pepper spray, if pepper spray doesn't deter the mugger, toss the canister as far as you can.

Only if your assailant is attempting to physically remove you from your current location should you resort to violence. Fight back with all of your might if necessary. Since this typically indicates a more nefarious purpose for the assault, your chances of surviving are greatly reduced if you are compelled to go to a new location.

Attract attention to yourself

If you’re being robbed, you should shout, yell, or make as much noise as possible. Remember this! Criminals don’t want witnesses, don't want to be identified, don't want to be hurt, and don't want to be arrested.

Escape the situation and contact the police

If you suspect someone is following you, and your intuition tells you something’s not right, cross the street as quickly as you can. If the individual crosses after you, call the police. If you can’t cross the street, then squat quickly with your back to a wall and pretend to tie your shoe. If the person stops as well, call the police. You can also slip into an open establishment and phone the cops from inside.

Pay attention

While you’re being robbed, you’ll probably be afraid and full of adrenaline. However, it’s crucial that you keep your situational awareness and pay close attention to the thief.

  • How tall are they?

  • What are they wearing?

  • Do they have any obvious tattoos or scars?

  • What color is their hair?

  • Their eyes?

  • Look out for their departure route.

  • Immediately dialing 911 should be your first and foremost priority. All pay phones and mobile phones provide free access to the emergency number 911.

  • This should be your initial step, no matter what else you do.

Police will ask for this information, and the more you can tell them, the better the probability of them arresting the robber.

You were there at the time of the mugging or attempted mugging.

Is it OK for you to intervene? The repercussions of this are serious. It is human nature not to act if no one in our close neighborhood looks to be in danger. Our social nature demands that we will, for the most part, follow along with the current. By being specific, you may, on the other hand, enable folks to fight this predisposition. Simply crying "Help!" is not sufficient; shout or scream "I am being robbed!" would suffice. "I'm in serious need of aid!" Becoming more explicit helps spectators overcome their first notion that, despite what they are hearing, the emergency is not true. Whenever you can, gaze someone in the eyes and yell, "You! Please, someone aid me!" This direct appeal has the ability to deter individuals from the belief that they should not aid or that it is not their obligation. The bystander effect has an impact on all of us, and it may be required for you to invest some effort in order to persuade others to take action.

Keep a mental note of the getaway vehicle's specifics. Having this information might help the authorities track down the criminal. A vehicle's make, model, color, and license plate number are all excellent indicators. It's critical to know their route if they fled on foot.

Don't walk away from the situation. In the midst of the chaos that might surround a crime scene, many bystanders become impatient and decide to leave the area while authorities do their investigation. Ensure that the authorities are aware of what you observed and how to reach you. Your information might be the difference between catching a violent criminal and allowing him or her to continue to harm others.

One final thought

Getting robbed is something no one likes to contemplate. A few basic methods and behavioral changes can assist you avoid becoming an unwilling participant in the victimization process. If you want inexpensive self-defense courses, click here.

I'm curious if you have any additional suggestions about how to keep yourself safe from robbers. Please let me know if you think of anything.


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