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Protecting Yourself, Your Home & Family

Writer: Mike AdamsMike Adams

Updated: Nov 22, 2021

Your own safety, as well as the protection of others who are close to you, is critical. You and your family will be safer if you take greater precautions. Your safety might be impacted by three main factors. Physical security, situational awareness, security, and internet security are all part of the overall concept of security, either or at work. Rather than offering specific guidance, this post offers basic guidelines in each of these categories.

Identifying the proper level of protection and doing an assessment of it.

Finding out how to be safe no matter where you are can be a big challenge. Depending on the severity of the threat and your weaknesses, you will need to take different steps depending on your situation.

Consider these factors to help you make an informed decision.

Is the role you play in your career or job making you a desirable target?

Are you at risk of any specific dangers, based on reliable intelligence?

Have you ever been the victim of a cyberattack because of your past personal history?

You alone are responsible for your own safety and security. Extremists as well as criminals pose a threat to today's citizens. Security measures for your home and workplace must be compatible if you want to maintain your personal safety. You could put yourself in danger if you have too many or not enough of these safeguards in place.

This short piece of advice should assist you in determining where safety steps should be taken, when increased awareness should be maintained, and when police involvement should be sought. While no one can be on constant high alert at all times, they should not allow their work to become more difficult for themselves by becoming complacent.

Here are a few things you should try. This is by no means a comprehensive list, and the safeguards you choose to take will be specific to your situation.

Vulnerability implies the possibility of an attack being successful.

It's critical that you develop the ability to detect when you're in a vulnerable position, so you can take steps to protect yourself if at all possible. Intruders are resourceful when it comes to devising new strategies for extorting money from innocent people and their families. However, they can also have the purpose to harm or threaten physical life, which can create humiliation, annoyance, and suffering.

The protection of one's property, such as one's home and yard as well as their doors, windows, locks, keys, alarms, and other lighting and CCTV systems.

There are a few easy things you can do to keep yourself safe and your house secure. The first line of defense is keeping your property's fences and walls in good repair. Distinguishing between public and private area must be done with defined limits. Protect your home by putting away ladders, loose bricks, and other objects that could be utilized as a means of entry.

External doors and windows should be secured with high-quality locks to prevent theft. Keep your house keys hidden but accessible in the event of a fire. Keys should not be marked in any way. If you can't find any of your keys, it's time to get new ones.

If you decide to have an alarm installed, I highly recommend you go with an installer that is a member of one of the recognized alarm inspectorate agencies, such as the National Security Inspectorate (NSI) (in the UK) or the Security Systems and Alarms Inspection Board (SSAIB). The cost of a monitored alarm may be higher, but the alarm provider will respond, as opposed to an audible alarm that relies on neighbors and passersby to intervene in an emergency. A security system would significantly enhance your sense of security and well-being.

It's important to have adequate illumination around your home's exterior doors, parking areas, and sidewalks. If possible, motion detection security lights should be installed strategically to make it impossible for would-be assassins to conceal their identities. You should consult a professional CCTV installer who is certified by a recognized CCTV inspectorate body like the NSI or the SSAIB before installing CCTV.

Leave your vehicler where it may be seen by the public if you don't have access to a closed garage or secure parking space. Try to park in a location that is well-lit, near a CCTV camera, or in a car park that has attendants on duty. If you leave the windows open, you run the risk of letting someone in.

Using weapons and firearms to commit acts of violence.

Terrorists on the Prowl: "Get the Hell Out of Dodge". In the event of a weapons or guns attack, local law enforcement will provide advice on what steps to take.


You should always verify the identity of visitors before allowing them inside your home, and the same goes for contractors who arrive. Never let them out of your sight. Teach children to summon an adult to answer the door or welcome strangers into your home.

Discretionary waste.

Dispose of confidential waste, such as sensitive, confidential, or personal stuff. Burn or shred it. If you shred documents at work, store them in a secure location (not a public place) until they can be properly disposed of.

Keeping people secure on the streets.

When traveling, keep an eye out for your own safety above anything else. You can lessen your chances of being the victim of violence or aggressiveness by adopting appropriate safeguards. Simple precautions like preparing ahead of time, choosing the safest route, and avoiding dangerous areas like dark alleys or lonely parking lots can go a long way.

When you're out and about, if you're feeling nervous, stick to the crowds.

Avoid being hit from behind by walking with your back to the traffic. Even if the weather is bad, or you're running late, never accept a ride from a stranger or someone you don't know very well. Keep an eye on your surroundings — if you're talking on your phone or listening to music with headphones in, you can miss something dangerous that's happening right in front of you. When utilizing a cash machine, be extra cautious. Avoid doing your money counting in the middle of the street if you don't want to attract passersby. Consider carrying a personal safety alarm that can be used to confuse an attacker and provide you precious time to flee the scene of the incident.

A combination of meetings and operations.

Members of the House, Councilors, and doctors, for example, are required to hold meetings and surgeries. You may be working alone in an office, or you may run into folks who are agitated or in a bad mood. They could be upset, angry, or even aggressive, depending on their feelings. Before and during meetings, be aware of your surroundings, the person's conduct, and any possible threats. You should take reasonable precautions to minimize your exposure to harm and remain safe.

Vehicles and transportation.

If at all possible, avoid making travel arrangements in a way that makes it easy for others to guess where you'll be. Make an effort to take different routes and leave at different times each day. During your trip, keep the doors and trunk of your car locked. Only leave a few windows open to let in fresh air when you're in a city. Put a gap between yourself and the car in front of you. Always make sure you have enough fuel to go where you're going.

If your car breaks down on a freeway, it's safer to stand on the shoulder or behind the crash barrier until help arrives. All doors should be locked save the one closest to you, which can be left wide open to allow speedy access if necessary. Make it a habit to look at the map before you leave your house or workplace. If you see anything unusual or questionable, be sure to document it.

Do not panic if you feel like you are being followed. Just stay calm and keep your car going. Lock the doors and the trunk, and shut all the windows. Call police report right away. Consider going to the nearest police station if you can. Do not attempt to drive yourself home. If you see a strange car, make a note of its license plate number.

Threats made over the phone.

Apart from the usual nuisance calls, these threats are typically used to frighten, scare, or distress people. These calls can be incredibly upsetting, but if you can manage to keep the caller on the phone long enough, you could learn something useful. You should inform the police if you get any threatening or abusive phone calls.


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