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How To Control Pre-Fight Nerves

Writer: Mike AdamsMike Adams

Maintaining Your Cool and Controling Pre-Fight Nerves

Every fighter, whether they compete in mixed martial arts, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, or boxing, feels apprehensive before a bout or contests. They are either a world champion, a black belt master, or a complete novice. Dealing with it, on the other hand, comes with experience and practice. Anxiety and uneasiness may manifest itself in a variety of ways. For example, feeling uneasy in your MMA rash guards and spats, not trusting in yourself, having thoughts of backing down or giving up, not being able to concentrate, and so on.

Excessive excitement or anxiousness may result in muscle tension, attention loss, poor coordination, and irregular heartbeat, among other symptoms. This is how it impacts your nerves, which has an impact on your ability to fight. As a result, being cool may improve your chances of winning. You are unable to make yourself comfortable or to alleviate your anxiousness. Accepting it, on the other hand, might make things simpler.

Relax and enjoy yourself.

Excessive enthusiasm and anxiousness may leave you physically and psychologically weary before the actual battle even begins. As a consequence, you weren't able to provide your finest performance. Progression muscle relaxation and diaphragmatic breathing are two techniques that have been shown to be beneficial. You may, however, look for additional approaches on the internet or speak with your trainer about them. These aid in calming you down and correcting your posture, as well as maintaining your concentration.


Close your eyes and envision yourself battling your opponent and going through all of his or her movements. Prepare by going through your movements and anticipating and countering theirs. Rehearse this several times. Basically, things you would do in a match to improve your chances of winning via imagination. It aids in the reduction of anxiety and the development of confidence because you can channel your anxiety into power and utilize your aggressiveness in the ring to make yourself unstoppable.

Carry out Your Rituals

Certain gyms have their own rituals, and some martial arts styles have their own specialized rituals, such as the wai kru used by Muay Thai fighters. Make your own pre-fight practice ritual or routine, such as listening to music, speaking with your coach, or watching inspirational speeches, etc. This will help you prepare for the fight better. Things like wearing your lucky shorts, gloves, and spats (among other things) will help you feel a bit more comfortable in your own skin. Although it is possible to become dependent or excessively connected, it is not advocated. Keep in mind that you are in command and that you made them; they should not and cannot have a negative impact on your performance.

Make Use of Meditation

Breathing exercises, mental concentration, and a variety of other meditation techniques may help calm nerves and channel tension and anxiety. Experiment with various approaches. It may take some time to locate the one that is the most appropriate for you. Alternatively, you might just stay with the person you like and it will eventually help. Meditation clears the mind and gives you more control over your life. As a result, you are better equipped to direct your tension in the appropriate direction. You will improve as you continue to practice.

Changing the Point of View

Because of the tension, your mind may get disoriented and lose the ability to concentrate on what is vital. Redirecting your attention will allow you to concentrate on developing a successful approach. Talking to yourself and encouraging yourself, smacking the gloves, stomping your feet, and other such actions serve as a reminder to maintain your concentration. It is really beneficial to tell yourself that you can do it and to bring out the martial artist in you. According to Muhammad Ali, "Going Through Win Strategy" is a necessary step.

You shouldn't spend too much time thinking about the ideas you're experiencing before the match. Take in those ideas and continue to plan out what you will do when you enter the ring. Revise the battle plan and winning strategy to ensure that they are as effective as possible. Consider how you will counter the actions and clear the path for your own strikes to take place.



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